We had sooo much going on last week that I haven't been able to catch up on getting it all blogged-out. Tuesday, James and I took the kids to get our H1N1 vaccin-ations. We only had to wait in line for about an hour so that part wasn't too discouraging, but the whole needle ordeal was less than desirable. But, we survived and once the day came to a close I was feeling mostly relieved. That same day, Dave, Kim and their kids arrived in town. Kim and I had a bit of a girls morning the next day visiting Kirsten at The Beauty Parlour so Kim could get her hair did (looks FABULOUS, by the way!). Friday, we had dinner for James' dad at Japanese Village to celebrate his 50th birthday; this also being the purpose for Dave and Kim's visit. Dinner, as always, was excellent-- Love their Chicken Terriyaki and the 'Happy Song' is always a hoot (Haaaappy Birfdaaaay to You ;)! The weekend was all hockey and at this point it seems for the rest of my life, this'll be the case. Oh, forgetting to mention Halloween Saturday evening (see 'Halloween Apples!' below). Sunday evening, my girl Shelley treated me to a night out at Joey Tomatoes with Kim and Brandee keeping us company. And I suppose to finish the whole crazy week off, we ended Monday evening with a bang, literally-- Fireworks at the farm!
A few things---
1. It looks like you guys had fun.
2.Dinner was AWESOME!!
3. PLEASE take my picture off.. I look stupid!!! Thanks!!!
Love ya!!
Awww, what??!! You don't like that pic?? Okay, I agree-- you both are kinda giving funny looks, but it was the only pic I had of you two at dinner and I didn't want to leave anyone out! But, now that I know, that you know, I included you guys-- it wouldn't be offensive to not have it posted! So, wish granted! Picture vanish!
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