The new year started off on a 'not-so-exciting' note. I continued to cat-sit for my neighbor, Aaron resumed preschool after the holidays, Daybreak and Buddybreak picked up where it left off. The most exciting thing to speak of that month- Went to see 'Twilight' with Brandee for the first time!
Deep-water aquasized for the first time in my life, and probably the last. Discovered I swim like a rock. Started preparing James' paperwork for his last session of school.
A big month for this family. James began his fourth year of plumbing/gasfitting. Ava turned 3 with a tea party to celebrate and all her girly friends were invited. Aaron turned 5 (a milestone, 'Wow- I have a five year old!!?'). We had a big bash at the local kid's gym and invited some of his school buddies. And, my dear hubby and I attended a dinner theatre show at Jubilations, a parody of Corner Gas. Took a mini-trip to visit my Dad in Wainwright.
Britney Spears concert (a bit of a dissappointment). Easter at my mom's house. Aaron gets accepted into SCA. Also, a big month to get Aaron physically prepped for Kindergarten with 5 year immunizations and eye exams. Daybreak/Buddybreak comes to an end for the year. James finishes his last session of school and officially becomes a Journeyman- YAY!!
Aaron's first t-ball game! We're one year through our lease with our baby (the Escape). For Mother's Day, the women in our fam go to Greenland to peruse the greenery. The kids, myself and my grandma check out the zoo for the bazillionth time.
We re-sign our lease for another year. Yes, another year in our 'quaint' little condo. Attended my first LAC meeting of the year. More movie dates with Brandee. Treehouse Preschool comes to an end with a really cute graduation ceremony for the kids. The guys go golfing for Father's Day with their dad.
James participates in Habitat for Humanity. Went to my very first opening night movie 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' and stood in line for close to three hours (I've always wanted to do that :D! No Doubt Ft. Paramore concert- a memorable one.
One word: Kananaskis!!
The craziness begins! T-Ball winds-up. My baby grows up and so, begins Kindergarten. More LAC meetings. Daybreak/Buddybreak begins again. Another year, another anniversary- four years for James and I now. A special visit from my Grandpa from Manitoba.
Thanksgiving dinner at my Grandma's. Hockey begins! My 27th birthday spent carving pumpkins and renewing my drivers licence (11 years driving already?!). Dave, Kim and the kids make a trip into town for James' Dad's 50th birthday. We all get the H1NI vaccination- blech! Trick-or-treating crusade with family and friends.
Aaron's first hockey tournament. Aaron gets the flu. James' 27th birthday. Attempted family portraits at Walmart.... and failed. Yet another LAC meeting. Braved opening night to see 'New Moon' with my mom and Brandee (another 3 hours in line)!! Daybreak/Buddybreak comes to a halt until the holidays are over. Our first parent/teacher interview meeting (things are looking good)! Festival of Trees fieldtrip with Aaron's class (been waiting years to go!).
December, so far....
LAC meeting. Mike and Jolene's wedding in St. Paul (the only wedding of the year for us). Made Christmas buns with my granny. Attended Shelley and Josh's Gingerbread Christmas party. Got my hair did! Aaron's Kindergarten Christmas concert and skating/potluck party. The first ever family Christmas at Birch bay Ranch with James' family (looking forward to doing it again next year :). Hosted Christmas turkey dinner with my family.
Oh, what treasures does 2010 have in store?!
Well your year was busy! I am happy that I was part of it! I hope we will see many more movies in the new year!!
wow talk about a good memory!!! lol sounds like you had a great year!!! i pray all the best for you guys in 2010!! love ya!
Aw, I love you gals!
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