It never fails... the first day of summer (or any first day of the four seasons, maybe sans winter?) I go into junk disposal mode. Maybe if there were more seasons this task would not always be so daunting?!
So yeah, I've been busy.
Not just with cleaning either.
Aaron had his last inline hockey game this past weekend, tournament actually.
So that's over.
Ava had her ballet recital, as well.
She loved it. We loved it.
She wanted to get right back up on stage even after her group was finished performing.
No stage fright there.
We then celebrated with a visit to 'Hey Cupcake!'.
FYI- Cupcake of the month: Men are from Mars
Also, my cake pops were such a hit with Aaron's class last week that his teacher, the fantastic Mrs. S, ordered a batch from me for her daughters birthday this week.
Rainbow bit cake with pink vanilla chocolate.
Sounds girly good, doesn't it.
And still, the cake pop craze will continue as I'll be up to my eyeballs in cake and chocolate this afternoon making a batch for Kirsten's Stella & Dot Trunk Show this Saturday.
Pondering: How to make Cake Pops look fashionable?
My dearest long distance friends (you both know who you are), I do wish you were joining us :(
Professional Cake Pop Samplers.
They've got great taste!
Professional Cake Pop Samplers.
They've got great taste!
Enjoyed a night out with the lovely LAC ladies (including Aaron's teacher) at the Marble Slab.
One last hoorah you could say, as the school year is now wrapped up.
That evening, Mrs. S told me I was a really good mom.
With a lump in my throat and a stinging in my eye, I told her,
I try really hard.
I try really hard.
To which she responded, it doesn't have to be perfect.
Just enjoy the moments while your kids are still young.
Good advice, I think.
My last class of Buns & Bellies wrapped up.
Thank The Lord.
And finally, this morning my thursday girls will be over.
The kids will be so excited once they get their lazy summer bums out of bed.
I predict it's going to be a really great day :)
First strawberry of the year.
For whatever reason, it is tradition for Aaron to be the one who picks it.
You are most certainly right Mrs. S.
Perfection is not necessary.
Enjoying the moment, is.
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