{Yes, I'm aware this photo has absolutely nothing to do with this post}
But also, maybe it does.
It's super springy out & I am finally feeling refreshed
after a lengthy abandonment from this dear blog of mine.
{I'm sorry, baby! I'll never leave you again!}
Moving on.
I've always wanted to do my own '25 Things You Don't Know About Me' segment.
All the celebrities do it!
Why shouldn't I?
Actually, what I was really thinking (and hoping I suppose) is that I may have some fresh faces just newly following, and some random 'did-you-know's' might just be the ticket to welcome this new year of blog-y goodness.
So, without further ado,
26 (just to be different) Things You Maybe Don't Know About Me?!
1. The only nick-name I had growing up was 'Raquely-Belly' or 'Raquely O'Belly'.
I was once called 'Raquelculator' by a fellow peer in math class... And. I wish it would have stuck.
2. I make it my life's mission, not to be late. If anything, I'm 15 minutes early.
3. I don't fart.
Although, my husband is convinced he's caught me a few times...
4. I wake up at 6:30 every morning, Mon-Fri. The early bird catches the worm, or at the very least, enjoys a peaceful 30 minutes to herself before the day begins.
5. I keep an insanely impeccable calender. The Mom's Fridge-Magnet Calender to be precise. Appointment/activity/birthday.... you name it. It's on there. I'm certain I spend nearly up to an hour collectively staring at my fridge, daily.
6. I've never been stung by a bee. Or wasp. Or hornet, for that matter.
7. If I could choose which retired T.V. series I'd like to see do a reunion show, it would have to be Dawson's Creek. Hands down.
8. My first job was working at a movie theatre and my first boss had a wooden hand.
9. When I was 20, I was accepted into hair college just a few weeks before finding out I was pregnant. And so, I dropped the course and became a mom. Ironically, just the change I was needing in life.
10. I have no desire whatsoever to visit outer space. In fact, I'm scared of space.
11. I have one, and one only, tattoo. I got it when I was 16 with my dad's consent. And yes, it's a lame-o butterfly. Ugh.
Thanks Dad :/
12. I've always considered having my nose pierced, but am convinced I have too many freckles to pull it off.
13. I have a debilitating fear of snakes.
14. You'll never catch me jumping out of a plane. Ever. EVERRRR.
(Unless there's snakes on it)
15. I see 20/15. Astronaut vision.
16. The first horror movie I ever watched, back when I was in grade 7, seriously traumatized me. Seriously.
17. I secretly had a crush on Prince William (Wills back then) when I was in grade 8.
18. I am, The. Worst. Video. Gamer. Ever.
19. When it comes to baking, I strive for perfection. Taste and appearance. Anything else is unacceptable.
20. I love to vacuum. I usually do it at least twice a day. Question is: Do I love it? Or is it obsessive compulsive disorder.
(I always thought it might be neat to have one of those...)
21. The Office is the only show on earth that can cheer me up, no matter what. I adore Michael Scott. Even when he embarrasses me.
22. I am the oldest of 5 children.
23. I wish I knew how to use Photoshop like a champ.
24. I believe in a grey area. Not everything is black and white.
25. I love the Fillet O' Fish from McDonald's.
26. (*See admission #25) I hope we can still be friends.
well i have to start off by saying that it is sooo great to have you back!! my days have not been the same without your blog in it!!
Also there are things there that i did not know about you, and i loved reading them!! And yes even tho you like the fillet o'fish we can still be friends! :)
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