Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Remember last year when.....

....I managed to get that crazy Zhu Zhu Pet Hamster named 'Num-Nums' stuck in my hair and had to rip it out (R.I.P. missing chunk of hair in the back of my head.....)??!  A-c-t-u-a-l-ly, it was Aaron who did it, but who's pointing fingers.... really.  As I opened the packaging of the cute, little, life-like pet that New Year's Eve morning, I ever so ignorantly removed the giant 'KEEP PET AWAY FROM HAIR' sticker affixed to the hamster's back.  Nonchalantly thinking to myself, 'Well, that's a strange and random warning?'.  No, I did not bother to mention this to the kids.  Why?  Maybe because I thought it was a pointless tidbit of info, or maybe subconciously I did not want to tempt the kids into experimenting with the 'why's' of why you should not put the rodent near hair.  Later that evening, after finishing up a web-cam visit with Kim and family, as I was closing-up shop on the computer, hearing that we had company just walk in the door (Josh, Shelley & co.); all of the sudden I feel a strange tug on my scalp.  Aaron's sudden panicking tipped me off that this could not be good.  Reaching to the back of my head, I grasp what feels like the soft fur of Num-Nums, the adorable little hamster-- And I can only let out a burst of laughter (and panic), suddenly remembering the 'not-so-subtle' warning sticker I had so idiotically thrown out without a thought earlier that day.  Thank goodness Shelley had shown up when she did.  She was able to tackle the task of trying to salvage what hair she could before having to go balls-out and rip the hamster free of my hair.  Poor Aaron, as you can see from the photo below, felt awful and was certain I was not going to survive the ordeal (a worry wart in nature).  We escaped the situation with a minor chunk of hair missing from my head, and Shelley with minor injuries to her finger caused by wrapping my hair around it and yanking it as hard as she could from the hamster.  No matter.... I still think Num-Nums is the cutest little hamster around..... when he's not attached to my head.  


KOosterveld said...

sorry but all I could was laugh when I read this!! especially when I saw the pictures!! wow thats quite the story poor aaron...well now we all know that thoes warnings that we all see and think are may not be so stupid after all! *note to self* lol

Raquel said...

I'm just glad little Nun-Nums is not a real hamster. That would have been an all together different situation...... ;D!!

KOosterveld said...

lol oh yeah for sure!!!

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